Is luck real? Do you think that some people are born lucky, while others are doomed to a life of misfortune? Do you wish you could attract more good luck into your life, and enjoy the benefits of success, happiness, and prosperity?


If your answer is yes to any of the above questions, then this article is for you. In this guide, you will discover the truth about good luck, and how you can get good luck fast from the universe, regardless of where you are or your history. You will also learn about the key principles of luck, and how to apply them to your life. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of what luck is, and how you can create your luck.


The Truth About Good Luck

Let us start at the beginning. How to be luckier is not magic. Luck is not a mysterious force that is beyond your control. Luck is not something that you are either born with or do not have. Good luck is something that you can learn, cultivate, and increase.


According to Dr. Richard Wiseman, a psychologist, and the author of “The Luck Factor,” says that luck is a skill that can be acquired and improved. Dr. Wiseman conducted a decade-long scientific study of the beliefs. of lucky and unlucky people and found that four main factors explain luck. These factors are:

  1. Creating chance opportunities
  2. Thinking lucky
  3. Feeling lucky
  4. Denying fate

Dr. Wiseman discovered that lucky people share certain habits and attitudes that increase their likelihood of encountering and taking advantage of opportunities and coping with adversity. Unlucky people, on the other hand, tend to have negative expectations, miss, or ignore opportunities, and dwell on problems.


How to Get Good Luck Fast

The good news is that anyone, including yourself, can learn to be luckier, by adopting the mindset and behavior of lucky people. So, how can you get good luck fast from the universe? Here are the seven secrets that will help you do just that.


1. Believe that you are lucky

The first secret to getting good luck fast is to believe that you are lucky. Your beliefs have a powerful impact on your reality, as they shape your perception, and eventually your actions. Therefore, how to get lucky is to work on your beliefs. If you believe that you are lucky, you will automatically notice more opportunities, act more confidently, and attract more positive outcomes. If you believe that you are unlucky, you will overlook opportunities, act more cautiously, and attract more negative outcomes.


To believe that you are lucky, you need to change your self-talk, and the inner dialogue that you have with yourself. Instead of saying things like “I never win anything” or “Nothing good ever comes my way,” start saying things like “I am a lucky person” and “I have good luck.” Repeat these positive affirmations daily, and soon they will become your reality.


You can also reinforce the belief that you are lucky by recalling and celebrating your past successes. Make a list of all the things that you are grateful for, and all the times that you have experienced good luck. Review this list regularly and add added items as they occur. This will help you to appreciate your luck and to expect more of it in the future.


2. Be optimistic

The second secret on how to get good luck fast is to be optimistic. Optimism is the tendency to expect the best possible outcome in any situation and to focus on the positive aspects of life. With that said, optimism is different from being naive or unrealistic. It is a rational and realistic way of looking at the world, based on evidence and experience.


Optimism is beneficial for your luck because it helps you to create more opportunities and take more risks. Naturally, optimistic people are more open-minded, curious, and adventurous, and therefore more willing to take calculated risks, face challenges, and overcome failures.


To be more optimistic, you need to change your thinking style, and the way that you interpret and explain the events that happen to you. Instead of thinking in a pessimistic way, which is negative, general, and permanent, think in an optimistic way, which is positive, specific, and temporary. 


You can become more optimistic by practicing positive visualization and positive meditation. The technique of imagining yourself achieving your goals and experiencing the positive emotions that come with them is incredibly powerful. Visualize yourself as a lucky person, who enjoys success, happiness, and prosperity. Imagine yourself in vivid detail, using all your senses, and feel the excitement, joy, and gratitude that you would feel. Do this regularly, and you will program your subconscious mind to attract more positive energy and good luck into your life.


3. Refuse to be stopped by failure

How to get good luck fast is to refuse to be stopped by failure. Failure is not the opposite of success; it is a part of success. Failure is not a sign of weakness; it is a sign of strength. Failure is not something to be avoided; it is something to be embraced.


Failure is beneficial for your luck because it helps you to learn, grow, innovate, and create. You must start seeing failure as a feedback mechanism that tells you what works and what does not, and what you need to improve and change. Although it can hurt, failure is nothing but an opportunity to acquire new knowledge and abilities and to develop new strategies and solutions.


Failure is a steppingstone to success and excellence, as it prepares you for future challenges, and builds your confidence, resilience, and perseverance. Failure is a reward for your efforts, as it shows that you have tried and that you have not given.


That said, when you fail, it is easy to become overwhelmed by negative emotions. Negative emotions are the fruits of negative spiritual influence, as they amplify negative energy and vibration, and repel positive outcomes. To eliminate negative aura symptoms, you need to release them with positive emotions, by using forgiveness, compassion, and love. Another way to eradicate negative spiritual influence is to enhance your positive spiritual influence, by aligning yourself with the positive forces of the universe, such as your soul, intuition, and connection with the divine.


4. Eradicate Negative Spiritual influences 

How to get good luck fast is to eradicate negative spiritual influences that may be causing bad luck in your life. Unknown to many, bad luck can be caused by spiritual problems and can be a sign of black magic, evil eye, and demonic possession. These phenomena can cast a shadow of doom and gloom over your life. Unfortunately, these problems are not as uncommon as they seem, and anyone can be a victim.


There are still many evildoers in the world who willingly cast various types of black magic and evil eye curses on people. Furthermore, evil entities known as demons and Jinns often cross over to our world possessing people and being about bad luck. Therefore, if you are dealing with signs of bad luck, you have to endeavor to confirm your suspicions. You can eradicate negative influences by engaging in spiritual healing prayer and by visiting a trusted spiritual healer close to you. True magic healers know what causes bad luck in life, how to break a curse on your family, and how to cleanse a house of spirits causing bad luck.


5. Surround yourself with the right people

How to get good luck fast is to surround yourself with the right people. The right people are those who support you, inspire you, and help you to thrive. How to get luckier is to surround yourself with people who are already lucky, successful, and happy. The right people are those who share your values, goals, and vision.


Surrounding yourself with the right people is fantastic for your luck because it helps you to expand your network. By surrounding yourself with the right people, you can create more connections, and get access to more resources, information, and opportunities. Additionally, surrounding yourself with the right people helps you to learn new things, acquire new abilities, improve your performance, and receive feedback, advice, and mentoring.


Lastly, surrounding yourself with the right people helps in elevating your mood, which is vital for preserving your luck. Surrounding yourself with the right people helps you to feel more positive, cheerful, and optimistic, and to experience more, positive energy, and satisfaction.


To surround yourself with the right people, you need to:

  • Identify the right people: The right people are those who have the qualities, characteristics, and achievements towards which you are aspiring. The right people are those who have the same or similar interests, passions, and hobbies as you. Identifying these people is the first step you must take.
  • Attract the right people: The right people are those who are drawn to you by your positive energy, vibration, and magnetism. To attract the right people, you need to be yourself, be authentic, and be confident. You also need to be positive, be optimistic, and be enthusiastic.
  • Connect with the right people: The right people are those who you can communicate, interact, and collaborate with effectively and efficiently. To connect with the right people, you need to be friendly, polite, and respectful. You also need to be curious, be interested, and be attentive. You also need to be supportive, be encouraging, and be appreciative.


6. Do honorable deeds

The sixth secret to getting good luck fast is to do honorable deeds. How to get good luck fast from the universe is to engage in acts of kindness, generosity, and service that you do for others, without expecting anything in return. Honorable deeds are expressions of love, compassion, and gratitude that you show to others, without any ulterior motive.


Doing honorable deeds is beneficial for your luck because it helps you to improve your karma and vibration: Doing honorable deeds helps you to create positive karma, which is the result of your good actions, and which brings you good fortune. Doing honorable deeds also helps you to straightforward signs of bad luck, which is the result of your bad actions.


Doing honorable deeds also helps you to raise your vibration, which is the frequency of your energy, and which determines what you attract into your life. Doing good deeds helps you to emit positive energy, which automatically attracts positive outcomes.


To engage in honorable deeds, you need to be more aware of your actions. Be aware of the needs, problems, and challenges of others, and of the opportunities to help, serve, and contribute. Be aware of the impact of your actions, and of the benefits that you offer others.


The next step is to be willing to help others. Even if you are going through a tough time such as signs of voodoo or evil eye, be willing to help others. Be willing to do honorable deeds, even if they are inconvenient, uncomfortable, small, simple, or unnoticed. Be willing to help others even if your actions will not be reciprocated, appreciated, or acknowledged.


7. Spiritual healing for luck

The seventh and final secret to getting good luck fast is to undergo spiritual healing for luck. Spiritual healing for luck is a process of restoring, enhancing, and maintaining your luck, by healing your soul, restoring your connection with the divine, and eradicating any spiritual influence blocking your luck.


Spiritual healing for luck is beneficial for your luck because it helps you to activate your potential, unleash your talents, abilities, and gifts, and realize your purpose, mission, and vision.


To undergo spiritual healing for luck, you need to:

  1. Seek help: Seek help from a qualified and experienced spiritual healer, who can guide you, support you, and assist you in your spiritual healing journey. Seek help from a spiritual healer who resonates with you, who is trusted by others to be genuine, and who can help you achieve your goals.
  2. Follow instructions: Follow the instructions of your spiritual healer, who will provide you with the appropriate guidelines and tools for your spiritual healing. Endeavor to follow their expert advice to the letter. For instance, most trusted healers offer a free black magic check before healing. This will usually require you to provide personal details.
  3. Be open: Be open to the process of spiritual healing and the results of spiritual healing. Be open to the changes, transformations, and improvements that will occur in your life. Be open to the miracles, wonders, and surprises that will happen in your life.

What Next?

In conclusion, luck is not a matter of chance, but a matter of choice. You can choose to be lucky by following the seven secrets that have been shared with you in this article. By believing that you are lucky, being optimistic, refusing to be stopped by failure, eradicating negative spiritual influence, surrounding yourself with the right people, doing honorable deeds, and undergoing spiritual healing for luck, you can get good luck fast from the universe, and enjoy the benefits of success, happiness, and prosperity.


30+ Years of Experience in Spiritual Healing