Luck is a mysterious and unpredictable force that can affect our lives in numerous ways. Some people believe that luck is a result of chance, while others presume that luck is influenced by our actions, thoughts, and beliefs. Some people even believe that luck can be transferred or manipulated by other people, either intentionally or unintentionally.

But what is luck?

What causes bad luck? Is it something that we can control, or is it something that happens to us randomly? More importantly, can a person bring bad luck to you, intentionally or unintentionally? The answers to the above questions are not so simple. Many factors influence our luck, such as our environment, our choices, our beliefs, and our relationships.

Sometimes, we may encounter people who harm our luck by their presence, words, or actions. These people’s actions may be called “jinxes,” “curses,” or “bad omens.” However, before we blame someone else for our misfortune, we must examine ourselves and our role in creating our luck. We are the ones who decide how we react to the situations we face, and how we let them affect us.

But can a person bring bad luck to you? Is there any truth to the superstitions and myths that surround this topic? Or is it all just a matter of perception and coincidence? In this article, we will explore 10 annoying ways that a person can bring bad luck to you, and how you can deal with them.

 1. Unhealthy habits

One of the most common ways that a person can bring bad luck to you is by having bad habits that affect your health, finances, relationships, home and business, or productivity. For instance, a friend who smokes, drinks, gambles, or overspends can negatively impact your well-being and happiness, if you are too close to them or depend on them. Similarly, any individual that procrastinates, lies, cheats, or steals can also cause you trouble and stress, and damage your reputation and trust. Bad habits such as those listed above can attract bad luck, as they lead to a vicious cycle of poor choices and negative aura symptoms.

The best way to deal with a person who has unhealthy habits is to avoid them as much as possible or to limit your exposure and involvement with them. Although you can try to help them change their habits, do that only if they are willing and receptive. Otherwise, you will only end up wasting your time and energy and even worsening the situation. You should also focus on developing good habits yourself, and surround yourself with positive energy and supportive people who can inspire and motivate you.

2. Poor Mindset

Another way that a person can bring bad luck to you is by having a poor mindset that affects your mood, attitude, and outlook. For example, a person who is pessimistic, or cynical can drag you down and make you feel hopeless. A person who is arrogant, selfish, or greedy can also annoy you and make you feel resentful and angry. A person who is fearful, insecure, or anxious can also contaminate you with their worries and doubts, and make you feel uneasy and overwhelmed.

A poor mindset can repel good luck because it prevents people from seeing and seizing opportunities, and from appreciating what you have. The best way to deal with a person who has a poor mindset is to ignore them or to challenge them with facts and logic, or with humor and kindness. As stated earlier, you can also try to help these people, but only if they are open and willing. Otherwise, you will only end up arguing or wasting your time, and even reinforcing their beliefs. Instead, dedicate more time to cultivating a positive mindset yourself, and surround yourself with optimistic and cheerful people who can uplift and encourage you.

3. Victim of circumstance

Another way that a person can bring bad luck to you is by being a victim of circumstance that affect your plans, goals, or dreams. For example, a person who is dealing with signs of voodoo and signs of bad luck will be naturally unlucky. Unfortunately, they can come into your life causing disruption and making you feel frustrated and disappointed. A person who is ill, injured, or disabled can also affect your life and make you feel sad and sympathetic. A person who is poor or oppressed by the supernatural can also affect your life and make you feel unlucky.

A victim of circumstances like evil eye and jinn possession can block good luck, as they can create obstacles and challenges that you must overcome, and from which you must recover. The best way to deal with a person who is a victim of a spiritual circumstance is to help them and support them or to engage in prayer for healing for them. Furthermore, you should also focus on controlling what you can and accepting what you cannot and surround yourself with resilient people who can cope and adapt.

4. Criminality

Another way that a person can bring bad luck to you is by engaging in criminality that affects your safety, security, or justice. For example, a person who is violent, abusive, or aggressive can harm you and make you feel scared and threatened. A person who is dishonest, fraudulent, or corrupt can also harm you and make you feel cheated and betrayed. A person who is rebellious, lawless, or anarchic can also harm you and make you feel endangered and violated. Criminality can also invite more bad luck, as it can create enemies and conflicts, and attract punishment and karma. In these instances, you should focus on protecting yourself and your rights, and surround yourself with lawful and ethical people who can respect and support you.


5. Competition

Another way that a person can bring bad luck to you is by being in competition with you which affects your performance, success, or recognition. For example, a person who is talented, skilled, and ambitious can challenge you and make you feel pressured and stressed. If the person is also ruthless or manipulative, they can take steps to sabotage you and make you feel threatened.

Competition can also reduce your chances of good luck, as it can create scarcity and rivalry, and limit your opportunities and rewards. Additionally, competitive people can engage in evil eye and different types of black magic just to sabotage you. Therefore, you must be careful when dealing with your competitors.

Although the best way to deal with a competitor is to ignore them or to compete with them fairly and gracefully, this is not always ideal. You should try to learn from them or ensure that they are not harming you spiritually. This is how to get good luck despite unfair competition. Otherwise, you may end up losing to them unfairly. You have to therefore watch out for signs of black magic and generation curse. Furthermore, you should focus on doing your best and being your best and surround yourself with supportive and appreciative people who can celebrate and acknowledge you.


6. Evil eye

Another way that a person can bring bad luck to you is by casting an evil eye on you that affects your health, wealth, or happiness. For example, a person who is jealous, envious, or covetous can curse you, either knowingly or unknowingly, and make you feel unlucky. A person who is hateful, spiteful, or malicious can also curse you and make you feel ill and miserable.
People who are superstitious, mystical, or occult are aware of the power of the evil eye. These people can intentionally curse you and make you feel fearful and paranoid. An evil eye brings about signs of bad luck and it can create negative vibrations and energies and interfere with your natural flow and harmony.

The best way to deal with a person who casts an evil eye on you is to avoid them and counteract their curse with a spiritual healing prayer. You can also protect yourself by engaging in spiritual cleansing practices, but only those that you believe in and trust. Additionally, you should also focus on being grateful and generous and surround yourself with loving and positive people who wish you well and who can pray for you.


7. Negative energy

Another way that a person can bring bad luck to you is by emitting negative energy that affects your mood, vibe, or aura. For example, a person who is angry, bitter, or resentful can affect you and make you feel irritated and annoyed. Similarly, having loved ones who are always sad, depressed, or hopeless can also affect you and make you feel gloomy and depressed. A person who is dull and uninteresting can also affect you and make you feel uninspired and unmotivated. Negative energy has a depressing side effect of repelling good luck, as it can create a low frequency and resonance, and mismatch your alignment and attraction.

How to be luckier once more is to avoid people with negative vibes. Put a good distance between yourself and them and shield your family from their influence. Although you can try to help them by cheering them up, that should be done only if they are receptive and willing. Otherwise, you will end up absorbing their negativity into your life, and even becoming like them.


8. Online charm peddlers

Can a person bring bad luck to you? Yes, another set of people who can bring bad luck to you are online charm peddlers who prey on your curiosity, gullibility, or desperation. For example, a person who claims to have a magic spell for breaking curses or a secret formula that can make you rich and successful can deceive you and make you feel curious and tempted.

These individuals can ask you to pay a fee, to share your personal information, or to perform a ritual that can activate their offer. Sometimes these people can be harmless and only make you feel gullible and foolish afterward. However, some of these online charm peddlers deal in black magic. Although the person may promise to solve your problem or change your destiny, they may end up trapping you with their supernatural magic, which can render you desperate and hopeless. Online charm peddlers can therefore bring more bad luck, as they can create false expectations, and exploit your naivety with cruel black magic.

How to get lucky despite this reality is to avoid purchasing charms online as much as possible. Instead, if you suspect a supernatural affliction, seek a professional spiritual healer around you or online. These unique individuals know how to break spells and remove black magic from your family. They’ll often begin by offering a free black magic check to confirm if you have a spiritual problem. Then they will collaborate with you to offer spiritual healing and lasting spiritual protection.

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Published by The Office of Talal Zoabi 30+ Years of Exp. in Spiritual Healing

700+ Exorcisms | 3000+ Permanent Spell Removals | Spiritual Healing Services

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Break Black Magic - Remove Black Magic - Spiritual Healing | Can a Person Bring Bad Luck To You? Here are 8 Annoying Ways

Note: Be aware! Over the years we have had many people claiming to be “healers”, copy Talal’s website articles from BreakBlackMagic.Com and paste them on their site as their own and change or rearrange the words. There are many scammers out there in this field. Feel free to contact us for a list of those we have discovered.


30+ Years of Experience in Spiritual Healing